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Video TeleMedicine Solution
We have HIPAA compliant solutions to offer VIDEO TeleMedicine (virtual visits) for our patients. Virtual visits are by appoointment only - text | call staff to schedule.

We primarily use - a private and secure, browser based solution developed for healthcare. You can now see your doctor from anywhere, on virtually any device. Just click on their personalized room link to check in for your scheduled appointment:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Dr. Gorman
Enter waiting room
Telemedicine by

          Dr. Tiffany Gorman:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Dr. Doscas
Enter waiting room

          Dr. Michelle Doscas:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Dr. Smith
Enter waiting room

          Dr. Christopher Smith:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Dr. Gorenchtein
Enter waiting room

          Dr. Mike Gorenchtein:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Dr. Vargas
Enter waiting room

          Dr. Juana Vargas:

Enter virtual waiting room for
Kate Ford, PA-C
Enter waiting room

          Kate Ford, PA:

You can also enter your clinician's address directly into the browser address bar.

We are open and available for patient appointments at 8:00am as well as over the lunch hour

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm



Will insurance cover my TeleMedicine visit?

In many cases, your insurance will cover your TeleMedicine visit. Standard copay and deductible rules may apply, depending upon your particular insurance choice. Please contact your carrier prior to your visit if you have any questions.


Is there a CoPay?

If you have a CoPay for your visit, that would still apply. Please contact your carrier directly with any questions.


What types of visits can I schedule?

We will attempt to accommodate patients with triage, follow ups or med check visits. There are obviously some visits that still need to be made in person. Please contact the front desk with any questions.

Is TeleMedicine private and secure?

Private and Secure: All data is encrypted, your sessions are anonymous, and none of your information is stored @ We and adhere to HIPAA, PIPEDA, and GDPR data privacy requirements.


Is the quality of care the same as an in-person visit?

The quality of TeleMedicine as a method of healthcare delivery is confirmed by widespread use and your visit is with the same clinicians you see in the office. While there are many visits that can be provided via TeleMedicine, certainly, some visits will need to be scheduled in person.